Tuesday, January 4, 2011

gone and done it




Happy 2011 to all my readers out there! With a new year, comes resolutions and a hope for the best. I am not a person that necessarily makes resolutions, but I like to believe that this next year will be better than 2010. Last year was a tough one for me, a lot of challenges jumped onto my path, yet I came out changed, and hopefully for the better. This year I'd like to take a step back, enjoy some simplistic moments with friends and family and reclaim some personal time. But it's so much easier said than done, and that's where the challenge lies.

As most of you know, I have been trying to make Short & Sweet Paperie grow and prosper. I still very much want that, but taking a step back means rethinking and really honing in on the details. I am taking this year to evolve S&S and really make it a strong brand for years to come. I get so excited at the thought of new exciting things and am learning that sometimes you really need to take some time to evolve and idea and make it grow. This is where you come in! I love hearing your ideas and opinions, and may sometimes use this blog to ask you those questions. I hope that's ok! FDS has also evolved so much over the passed few years and hopefully has turned into something that you all love to read, whether you need a break from work or need some inspiration. I will continue in making it the best blog it can be!

I hope you have all had a much-needed break over the passed few weeks and are able to start the new year fresh and ready to rock 2011!

Photos from FGR


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